1. Basics

1.1 A First Example

The following program can be compiled and linked with LEDA's basic library libL.a (cf. section 1.10). When executed it reads a sequence of strings from the standard input and then prints the number of occurrences of each string on the standard output. More examples of LEDA programs can be found throughout this manual.

#include LEDA/d_array.h

main() { & &d_arraystring,int N(0);

&string s;

&while &(cin s ) N[s]++;

&forall_defined(s, N) cout s " " N[s] endl;


The program above uses the parameterized data type dictionary array ( d$\_array$I, E) from the library. This is expressed by the include statement (cf. section 1.9 for more details). The specification of the data type d$\_array$ can be found in section 4.4. We use it also as a running example to discuss the principles underlying LEDA in sections 1.2 to 1.10.

Parameterized data types in LEDA are realized by templates, inheritance and dynamic binding (see [N92] for details). For compilers not supporting templates there is still available a non-template version of LEDA using declare macros as described in [N90].

1.2 Specifications

In general the specification of a LEDA data type consists of four parts: a definition of the set of objects comprising the (parameterized) abstract data type, a description of how to create an object of the data type, the definition of the operations available on the objects of the data type, and finally, information about the implementation. The four parts appear under the headers definition, creation, operations, and implementation respectively.


This part of the specification defines the objects (also called instances or elements) comprising the data type using standard mathematical concepts and notation.

Example, the generic data type dictionary array:

An object a of type d$\_array$I, E is an injective function from the data type I to the set of variables of data type E. The types I and E are called the index and the element type respectively, a is called a dictionary array from I to E.

Note that the types I and E are parameters in the definition above. Any built-in, pointer, item, or user-defined class type T can be used as actual type parameter of a parameterized data type. Class types however have to provide the following operations:

a) &a constructor taking no arguments      &T::T() b) &a copy constructor &T::T(const T&) c) &an input function &void Read(T&, istream&) d) &an output function &void Print(const T&, ostream&)

A compare function ``int compare(const T&, const T&)" (cf. section 1.6) has to be defined if the data type requires that T is linearly ordered. Section 1.4 contains a complete example.


A variable of a data type is introduced by a variable declaration. For all LEDA data types variables are initialized at the time of declaration. In many cases the user has to provide arguments used for the initialization of the variable. In general a declaration

XYZt1,..., tk y(x1,..., x$\scriptstyle \ell$);

introduces a variable y of the data type `` XYZt1,..., tk'' and uses the arguments x1,..., x$\scriptstyle \ell$ to initialize it. For example,

d$\_array$string, int A(0)

introduces A as a dictionary array from strings to integers, and initializes A as follows: an injective function a from string to the set of unused variables of type int is constructed, and is assigned to A. Moreover, all variables in the range of a are initialized to 0. The reader may wonder how LEDA handles an array of infinite size. The solution is, of course, that only that part of A is explicitly stored which has been accessed already.

For all data types, the assignment operator (=) is available for variables of that type. Note however that assignment is in general not a constant time operation, e.g., if L1 and L2 are variables of type listT then the assignment L1 = L2 takes time proportional to the length of the list L2 times the time required for copying an object of type T.

Remark: For most of the complex data types of LEDA, e.g., dictionaries, lists, and priority queues, it is convenient to interpret a variable name as the name for an object of the data type which evolves over time by means of the operations applied to it. This is appropriate, whenever the operations on a data type only ``modify'' the values of variables, e.g., it is more natural to say an operation on a dictionary D modifies D than to say that it takes the old value of D, constructs a new dictionary out of it, and assigns the new value to D. Of course, both interpretations are equivalent. From this more object-oriented point of view, a variable declaration, e.g., dictionarystring, int D, is creating a new dictionary object with name D rather than introducing a new variable of type dictionarystring, int; hence the name ``creation'' for this part of a specification.


In this section the operations of the data types are described. For each operation the description consists of two parts

a) The interface of the operation is defined using the function declaration syntax. In this syntax the result type of the operation (void if there is no result) is followed by the operation name and an argument list specifying the type of each argument. For example, list$\_item$ L.insert ( E xlist$\_item$ itrel$\_pos$ p = after) defines the interface of the insert operation on a list L of elements of type E (cf. section 3.7). Insert takes as arguments an element x of type E, a list$\_item$ it and an optional relative position argument p. It returns a list$\_item$ as result. E& A[I x] defines the interface of the access operation on a dictionary array A. It takes an element of I as an argument and returns a variable of type E.

b) The effect of the operation is defined. Often the arguments have to fulfill certain preconditions. If such a condition is violated the effect of the operation is undefined. Some, but not all, of these cases result in error messages and abnormal termination of the program (see also section 7.5). For the insert operation on lists this definition reads: A new item with contents x is inserted after (if p = after) or before (if p = before) item it into L. The new item is returned. (precondition: item it must be in L) For the access operation on dictionary arrays the definition reads: returns the variable A(x).


The implementation section lists the (default) data structures used to implement the data type and gives the time bounds for the operations and the space requirement. For example,

Dictionary arrays are implemented by randomized search trees ([AS89]). Access operations A[x] take time O(log dom(A)). The space requirement is O(dom(A)).

1.3 Implementation Parameters

For many of the parameterized data types (in the current version: dictionary, priority queue, d_array, and sortseq) there exist variants taking an additional data structure parameter for choosing a particular implementation (cf. section 4). Since does not allow to overload templates we had to use different names: the variants with an additional implementation parameters start with an underscore, e.g., _d_arrayI,E,impl. We can easily modify the example program from section 1.1 to use a dictionary array implemented by a particular data structure, e.g., skip lists ([Pu89]), instead of the default data structure (cf. section 4.4.5).

#include LEDA/d_array.h #include LEDA/impl/skiplist.h

main() { &_d_arraystring,int,skiplist N(0);

&string s;

&while &(cin s ) N[s]++;

&forall_defined(s, N) cout s " " N[s] endl;


Any type _XYZ T1,..., Tk, xyz$\_impl$ is derived from the corresponding ``normal" parameterized type XYZ T1,..., Tk, i.e., an instance of type _XYZ T1,..., Tk, xyz$\_impl$ can be passed as argument to functions with a formal parameter of type XYZ T1,..., Tk&. This provides a mechanism for choosing implementations of data types in pre-compiled algorithms. See ``prog/graph/dijkstra.c" for an example.

LEDA offers several implementations for each of the data types. For instance, skip lists, randomized search trees, and red-black trees for dictionary arrays. Users can also provide their own implementation. A data structure ``xyz_impl" can be used as actual implementation parameter for a data type $\_XYZ$ if it provides a certain set of operations and uses certain virtual functions for type dependent operations (e.g. compare, initialize, copy, ...). Section 9 lists all data structures contained in the current version and gives the exact requirements for implementations of dictionaries, priority_queues, sorted sequences and dictionary arrays. A detailed description of the mechanism for parameterized data types and implementation parameters used in LEDA can be found in [N92].

1.4 Arguments

Optional Arguments

The trailing arguments in the argument list of an operation may be optional. If these trailing arguments are missing in a call of an operation the default argument values given in the specification are used. For example, if the relative position argument in the list insert operation is missing it is assumed to have the value after, i.e., L.insert(it, y) will insert the item y after item it into L.

Argument Passing

There are two kinds of argument passing in , by value and by reference. An argument x of type type specified by ``type x'' in the argument list of an operation or user defined function will be passed by value, i.e., the operation or function is provided with a copy of x. The syntax for specifying an argument passed by reference is ``typex''. In this case the operation or function works directly on x ( the variable x is passed not its value).

Passing by reference must always be used if the operation is to change the value of the argument. It should always be used for passing large objects such as lists, arrays, graphs and other LEDA data types to functions. Otherwise a complete copy of the actual argument is made, which takes time proportional to its size, whereas passing by reference always takes constant time.

Functions as Arguments

Some operations take functions as arguments. For instance the bucket sort operation on lists requires a function which maps the elements of the list into an interval of integers. We use the syntax to define the type of a function argument f:

T  (*f )(T1, T2,..., Tk)

declares f to be a function taking k arguments of the data types T1, ..., Tk, respectively, and returning a result of type T, i.e, f : T1×...×TkT .

1.5 Overloading

Operation and function names may be overloaded, i.e., there can be different interfaces for the same operation. An example is the translate operations for points (cf. section 6.1).

point p.translate(vector v) point p.translate( double αdouble dist)

It can either be called with a vector as argument or with two arguments of type double specifying the direction and the distance of the translation.

An important overloaded function is discussed in the next section: Function compare, used to define linear orders for data types.

1.6 Linear Orders

Many data types, such as dictionaries, priority queues, and sorted sequences require linearly ordered subtypes. Whenever a type T is used in such a situation, e.g. in dictionaryT,... the function

int  compare(T, T)

must be declared and must define a linear order on the data type T.

A binary relation rel on a set T is called a linear order on T if for all x, y, zT:

1) x rel y 2) x rel y and y rel z implies x rel z 3) x rel y or y rel x 4) x rel y and y rel x implies x = y

A function int compare(T, T) is said to define the linear order rel on T if

compare(x, y$\displaystyle \cases{ < 0, &if $x$ $rel$ $y$ and $x\ne y$\cr
= 0, &if $x = y$\cr
> 0, &if $y$ $rel$ $x$ and $x\ne y$\cr} $

For each of the simple data types char, short, int, long, float, double, string, and point a function compare is predefined and defines the so-called default ordering on that type. The default ordering is the usual ≤ - order for the built-in numerical types, the lexicographic ordering for string, and for point the lexicographic ordering of the cartesian coordinates. For all other types T there is no default ordering, and the user has to provide a compare function whenever a linear order on T is required.

Example: Suppose pairs of real numbers shall be used as keys in a dictionary with the lexicographic order of their components. First we declare class pair as the type of pairs of real numbers, then we define the I/O operations Read and Print and the lexicographic order on pair by writing an appropriate compare function.

class pair {     & double  x; & double  y; & pair() { x = y = 0; } &pair(const pairp) { x = p.xy = p.y; } &friend void &Read(pair& p, istream& is) { is p.x p.y; } &friend void &Print(const pair& p, ostream& os) { os p.x `` " p.y; } &friend int &compare(const pair&, const pair&); }; int compare(const pairp, const pairq) { &if (p.x q.x) return -&1; &if (p.x q.x) return &1; &if (p.y q.y) return -&1; &if (p.y q.y) return &1; &return 0; }

Now we can use dictionaries with key type pair, e.g.,

dictionarypair,int D;

Sometimes, a user may need additional linear orders on a data type T which are different from the order defined by compare, e.g., he might want to order points in the plane by the lexicographic ordering of their cartesian coordinates and by their polar coordinates. In this example, the former ordering is the default ordering for points. The user can introduce an alternative ordering on the data type point (cf. section 6.1) by defining an appropriate comparing function int cmp(const point&, const point&) and then calling the macro DEFINE_LINEAR_ORDER(point, cmp, point1). After this call point1 is a new data type which is equivalent to the data type point, with the only exception that if point1 is used as an actual parameter e.g. in dictionarypoint1,..., the resulting data type is based on the linear order defined by cmp.

In general the macro call


introduces a new type T1 equivalent to type T with the linear order defined by the compare function cmp.

In the example, we first declare a function pol$\_cmp$ and derive a new type pol$\_point$ using the DEFINE_LINEAR_ORDER macro.

int pol$\_cmp$(const point& x, cosnt point& y) { lexicographic ordering on polar coordinates } DEFINE_LINEAR_ORDER(point,pol$\_cmp$, pol$\_point$)

Now, dictionaries based on either ordering can be used.

dictionarypol$\_point$, int D1;     &polar ordering

dictionarypoint, int D0; &default ordering

Remark: We have chosen to associate a fixed linear order with most of the simple types (by predefining the function compare). This order is used whenever operations require a linear order on the type, e.g., the operations on a dictionary. Alternatively, we could have required the user to specify a linear order each time he uses a simple type in a situation where an ordering is needed, e.g., a user could define

             dictionarypoint, lexicographic$\_ordering$,...

This alternative would handle the cases where two or more different orderings are needed more elegantly. However, we have chosen the first alternative because of the smaller implementation effort.

1.7 Items

Many of the advanced data types in LEDA (e.g. dictionaries), are defined in terms of so-called items. An item is a container which can hold an object relevant for the data type. For example, in the case of dictionaries a dic$\_item$ contains a pair consisting of a key and an information. A general definition of items will be given at the end of this section.

We now discuss the role of items for the dictionary example in some detail. A popular specification of dictionaries defines a dictionary as a partial function from some type K to some other type I, or alternatively, as a set of pairs from K×I, i.e., as the graph of the function. In an implementation each pair (k, i) in the dictionary is stored in some location of the memory. Efficiency dictates that the pair (k, i) cannot only be accessed through the key k but sometimes also through the location where it is stored, e.g., we might want to lookup the information i associated with key k (this involves a search in the data structure), then compute with the value i a new value i,́ and finally associate the new value with k. This either involves another search in the data structure or, if the lookup returned the location where the pair (k, i) is stored, can be done by direct access. Of course, the second solution is more efficient and we therefore wanted to provide it in LEDA.

In LEDA items play the role of positions or locations in data structures. Thus an object of type dictionaryK, I, where K and I are types, is defined as a collection of items (type dic$\_item$) where each item contains a pair in K×I. We use k, i to denote an item with key k and information i and require that for each kK there is at most one iI such that k, i is in the dictionary. In mathematical terms this definition may be rephrased as follows: A dictionary d is a partial function from the set dic$\_item$ to the set K×I. Moreover, for each kK there is at most one iI such that the pair (k, i) is in d.

The functionality of the operations

        &dic$\_item$ &D.lookup(K k) &I &D.inf( dic$\_item$ it) &void &D.change_inf( dic$\_item$ itI i)́ is now as follows: D.lookup(k) returns an item it with contents (k, i), D.inf(it) extracts i from it, and a new value i´ can be associated with k by D.change_inf(it, i)́.

Let us have a look at the insert operation for dictionaries next:

&dic$\_item$ &D.insert( K kI i)

There are two cases to consider. If D contains an item it with contents (k, i)́ then i´ is replaced by i and it is returned. If D contains no such item, then a new item, i.e., an item which is not contained in any dictionary, is added to D, this item is made to contain (k, i) and is returned. In this manual (cf. section 4.3) all of this is abbreviated to

& dic$\_item$ D.insert( K kI i)      &associates the information i with the key k. & &If there is an item k, j in D then j is & &replaced by i, else a new item k, i is added & &to D. In both cases the item is returned.

We now turn to a general discussion. With some LEDA types XYZ there is an associated type XYZ$\_item$ of items. Nothing is known about the objects of type XYZ$\_item$ except that there are infinitely many of them. The only operations available on XYZ$\_items$ besides the one defined in the specification of type XYZ is the equality predicate ``=='' and the assignment operator ``='' . The objects of type XYZ are defined as sets or sequences of XYZ$\_items$ containing objects of some other type Z. In this situation an XYZ$\_item$ containing an object zZ is denoted by z. A new or unused XYZ$\_item$ is any XYZ$\_item$ which is not part of any object of type XYZ.

Remark: For some readers it may be useful to interpret a dic$\_item$ as a pointer to a variable of type K×I. The differences are that the assignment to the variable contained in a dic$\_item$ is restricted, e.g., the K-component cannot be changed, and that in return for this restriction the access to dic$\_items$ is more flexible than for ordinary variables, e.g., access through the value of the K-component is possible.

1.8 Iteration

For many data types LEDA provides iteration macros. These macros can be used to iterate over the elements of lists, sets and dictionaries or the nodes and edges of a graph. Iteration macros can be used similarly to the for statement. Examples are

for all item based data types:

forall_items(it, D) { the items of D are successively assigned to variable it}

for lists and sets:

forall(x, L) { the elements of L are successively assigned to x}

for graphs:

forall_nodes(v, G) { the nodes of G are successively assigned to v}

forall_edges(e, G) { the edges of G are successively assigned to e}

forall_adj_edges(e, v) { all edges adjacent to v are successively assigned to e}

1.9 Header Files

LEDA data types and algorithms can be used in any program as described in this manual. The specifications (class declarations) are contained in header files. To use a specific data type its header file has to be included into the program. In general the header file for data type xyz is LEDA/xyz.h. Exceptions to this rule are described in Table 10.1 and 10.2.

1.10 Libraries

The implementions of all LEDA data types and algorithms are precompiled and contained in 5 libraries (libL.a, libG.a, libP.a, libWs.a, libWx.a) which can be linked with application programs. In the following description it is assumed that these libraries are installed in one of the systems default library directories (e.g. /usr/lib), which allows to use the ``-l...'' compiler option.

a) libL.a is the main LEDA library, it contains the implementations of all simple data types (section 2), basic data types (section 3), dictionaries and priority queues (section 4). A program prog.c using any of these data types has to be linked with the libL.a library like this:

CC prog.c -lL

b) libG.a is the LEDA graph library. It contains the implementations of all graph data types and algorithms (section 5). To compile a program using any graph data type or algorithm the libG.a and libL.a library have to be used:

CC prog.c -lG -lL

c) libP.a is the LEDA library for geometry in the plane. It contains the implementations of all data types and algorithms for two-dimensional geometry (section 6). To compile a program using two-dimensional data types or algorithms the libP.a, libG.a, libL.a and maths libraries have to be used:

CC prog.c -lP -lG -lL -lm

d) libWx11.a, libWxview.a are the LEDA libraries for graphic windows under the X11 or xview window systems. Application programs using data type window (cf. section 6.7) have to be linked with one of these libraries:

a) For the X11 window system: CC prog.c -lP -lG -lL -lWx11 -lX11 -lm

b) For the xview window system: CC prog.c -lP -lG -lL -lWxview -lxview -lolgx -lX11 -lm

Note that the libraries must be given in the order -lP -lG -lL and that the window library (-lWx11 or -lWxview) has to appear after the plane library (-lP).